Eos weapons study in Lebanon, September 2006 - interim report

By Dai Williams, independent researcher Eos, Surrey, UK. Published on September 2006.

Abstract: This interim report summarises initial observations and questions arising from my visit to Lebanon in September 2006. It is written for local and international personnel in Lebanon who are investigating the nature and consequences of IDF (Israel Defence Force) attacks during the Israel / Lebanon conflict, 12th July to 14th August 2006. It focuses on issues and concerns that I raised in my paper UN priorities for investigating uranium and other suspected illegal weapons in the Israel / Lebanon conflict published on 30 August (ref 1).
My visit was an opportunity to see the post-conflict situation in Lebanon first hand. I met people who directly experienced or witnessed IDF attacks and recorded their personal testimonies. I was also able to gather further documentary evidence relevant to the suspected use of uranium or other illegal weapons during the conflict. It was also an opportunity to exchange information with several organisations that are also investigating health, safety and humanitarian issues in Lebanon arising from the conflict.

Read the full text: william september 2006 Lebanon.pdf

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